Master P’s brother C-Murder (a.k.a. Corey Miller) was indicted Thursday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on two counts of attempted second-degree murder, according to a spokesperson for the Baton Rouge district court. If found guilty, the rapper is looking at 50 years in the pen.
Miller is accused of shooting at a Baton Rouge club owner and patron on August 14, 2001. According to the arrest warrant, he was held up at the door of Club Raggs by a security guard, who told him he had to be frisked before going inside. Miller asked to speak to the club’s owner, who eventually backed up the security guard’s statements.

The warrant says that Miller turned to leave, then grabbed a semiautomatic handgun from his waistband and tried to cap the owner – who had his back turned to Miller. The gun reportedly jammed once before he allegedly racked it again, fired a shot, then turned his gun on the security guard. After the gun jammed again, he sped away from the scene.

A warrant was issued for Miller’s arrest for two counts of attempted first-degree murder and one count of illegal use of a weapon. He was released on $100,000 bail, but months later, he would be arrested and charged with first-degree murder and fraud on an unrelated charge at Harvey, Louisiana’s Platinum Club, and was held on $1 million bail.

The charge was lowered to second-degree murder days later and in October 2003, he was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. In April, he was granted a new trial in that case, but the judge ordered that he be held without bail until the case goes to trial, given the charges still standing from the first murder case.

Miller’s attorney Roy Maughan Jr. told the AP that Miller denies the charges against him.



I run

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