The husband of singer Amy Winehouse has pleaded guilty to charges related to a 2006 pub brawl.

Blake Fielder-Civil, 26, admitted committing grievous bodily harm on a pub landlord and conspiring to pervert the course of justice.

The guilty pleas could be reported on Monday after judge David Radford lifted reporting restrictions on the case, an official at Snaresbrook Crown Court, east London said.

Winehouse, 24, and Fielder-Civil, both from north London, married in May, 2007, in Miami, and in the following months were followed by paparazzi and appeared regularly in Britain’s tabloid newspapers.

Fielder-Civil, a one-time music video assistant, has spent much of his first year of marriage behind bars, having been remanded in custody ahead of his trial which had been due to begin this month before his guilty pleas.

Winehouse appeared in court last week to support Fielder-Civil, who had been attending lengthy pre-trial hearings.

(Reporting by Mike Collett-White and Andrew Hough)

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