Eminem has copped to writing a racially inflammatory song that has come back to haunt him. The track – available at www.thesource.com – tells of his breakup with a black girlfriend in 1993.
“Black girls only want your money cause they’re dumb chicks,” Slim Shady raps. “Never date a black girl because blacks only want your money, and that s– ain’t funny … black girls and white girls just don’t mix, because black girls are dumb and white girls are good chicks.”

The track was aired by Source magazine executives, David Mays and Raymond (Benzino) Scott, at a midtown press conference last night. Benzino said yesterday that they got the tape from “three white kids from Detroit [who knew Eminem and] walked into Dave’s office and said ‘This is the real Eminem, and we’re tired of it.'”

He added that Eminem must be “held accountable” for the 10-year-old track: “Since Eminem made his music, every other black artist has taken a decline. Hip hop is being stolen from us. …We want it back.”

In his statement, Eminem fired back at Benzino, Mays and The Source, saying that they have had “a vendetta against me, Shady Records and our artists for a long time. The tape they played today was something I made out of anger, stupidity and frustration when I was a teenager. I’d just broken up with my girlfriend, who was African-American, and I reacted like the angry, stupid kid I was.

“I hope people will take it for the foolishness that it was, not for what somebody is trying to make it into today.”

Credit: NY Daily News

By Music-Slam.com

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One thought on “The Source Reveals ‘Racist’ Eminem Tape”
  1. Im from detroit we all in our past said things that are racist im glad to know that even thougth i’d moved out the d for a better life even, in the atl ,to las vegas.To here em represinting the d with d-12 makes me feel good leave the boy alone let the nigga do his thing like I said every body has made a racist gusture at one point of time is the society we live in welcome to america…….in my family resturant on 6 mile joski moskie next to steller images supports artists out of the d we the murder capital of the world so with the pistons be on top anything positive coming from my city makes me feel good about were im from this dude and his click are the shittt…………..

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