Dear worried and confused,

After reading all the bullshit out there about the future of Garbage, we felt compelled to write a few lines here to address the issue and set the record straight.

Certain journalists have taken the liberty of running wildly inaccurate stories in recent days about our so called “break-up”. Made up out of cobbled together,out of context quotes to feed some perverse agenda of their own,these stories are nothing more than idle speculation and are completely inaccurate.

The truth of the matter is really simple and surprisingly hard to misconstrue. For more than ten years, we have been in a cycle of album-making and touring and for the first time in our history, we have made a decision to break that cycle and take some time off. What does that mean? We are NOT breaking up. However, we ARE taking some much-deserved time off to spend with our families and friends. How much time? We don’t know.

This decision came as a difficult yet necessary one in order to preserve something we hold very dear. The last ten years have been an incredible experience for all of us and we appreciate all the freedom, love and support you have so generously given us during that time. We are eternally grateful to you all and we look forward to the next chapter in all of our lives with great excitement and enthusiasm.

True Love Forever,


I run

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