By Vickie Chachere

R. Kelly was set to headline a Congressional Black Caucus benefit concert Friday night, but not all the lawmakers were “happy people.”

Some CBC members are concerned about Kelly being connected to the conference while he is facing 14 counts of child pornography in Chicago. The 37-year-old R&B superstar was charged after a tape surfaced allegedly showing him having sex with a 13-year-old girl. He has pleaded innocent.

“I would not have invited R. Kelly,” Congressman William Jefferson, D-La., the CBC Foundation Chairman, told The Associated Press by phone Friday. Other CBC members “worry that it will overshadow the event,” he said.

The concert, to be held at the Washington Convention Center, is one of the premier events of the CBC’s Annual Legislative Conference. Sponsored by the spouses of the CBC, its purpose was to raise money for scholarships for needy young people.

“Legislators should know more than most that you’re innocent until proven guilty,” said Allan Mayer, a spokesman for Kelly. He would not comment about concerns that Kelly could detract attention from the weekend’s causes.

CBC Spouses director Jacquelin Dennis said in a statement released Thursday: “We are confident that (Kelly’s) performance will help us to achieve our goal to educate the next generation of leaders.”

Kelly has been free on bond since being charged June 5, 2002. No trial date has been set for the Illinois indictment, which could send him to prison for 15 years.

The accusations haven’t hurt his career — his latest album sold 1.7 million copies, and his new CD, “Happy People/U Saved Me,” debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard charts.

In March, Florida prosecutors dropped child pornography charges against Kelly after a judge ruled that photos allegedly showing him having sex with an underage girl were illegally seized.

The 34th CBC conference, which began Wednesday, culminates Saturday in an awards dinner honoring individuals who have made special contributions to African Americans. Democratic Presidential nominee John Kerry is expected to attend.

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