Rapper Lil’ Kim began serving a 366-day prison sentence yesterday (Sept. 19) for her conviction on charges stemming from a 2001 shootout outside a New York City radio station.

The 30-year-old entertainer, whose real name is Kimberly Jones, was whisked into a Philadelphia federal detention center past a throng of media, fans and passers-by at about 4:45 p.m.

Earlier, she issued a statement saying she had “unfortunately” been assigned to the concrete, high-rise facility instead of to a prison camp “as discussed.” She added: “I am not certain that this constitutes fair and equal treatment.”

Her lawyer, L. Londell McMillan, said a celebrity like Lil’ Kim could be in danger in the detention center.

“Why should a female hip-hop artist have to spend time in an urban concrete jungle while other female prisoners are assigned to rural, suburban-type prison camps?” said McMillan, adding that he would seek to have his client reassigned.

Calls to the federal Bureau of Prisons and the U.S. Marshals Service were not returned.

The 4-foot-11 rapper, who was convicted of lying about the gun battle to a federal grand jury and in the subsequent trial, brought about 20 to 25 people to Philadelphia with her in two RVs. Her mother, brother and lawyer were allowed to accompany her briefly into the detention center to say goodbye, McMillan said.

“She was upbeat, smiling,” he said. “She told her mom not to cry and to stay strong.”

Lil’ Kim will be assigned to a female work cadre at the coed prison, McMillan said, noting that she could be out in nine months with good behavior.

“Today begins a new saga in my life which I expect to strengthen me and allow me time for reflection,” Lil’ Kim said in her statement. “I plan to write music while in prison, read and pray regularly and will come out a stronger, more confident woman.”

Credit AP

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