The following post appeared last night on KRS-ONE’s Temple Of Hip-Hop website.

Like everyone I was shocked to read that I and other African-Americans actually “cheered when 911 happened” and that I have “declared my solidarity with Al Qaeda”. When I read this I was shocked and disappointed that the Daily News would go this far to assassinate my character and distort my views. Such statements with no follow up explanation or interview from KRS-ONE as to what he may have meant is simply irresponsible journalism on the Daily News’ part. I would never just say something as crazy as that! I am a philosopher and a critical thinker, I urge people to think critically about themselves and their environment. I was asked by the New Yorker magazine to discuss “different and personal beliefs musicians hold and the contribution artists like myself can make to the nation’s political dialog”. However, now that the Daily News has attempted to slander my name and message, it is imperative that we clear some things up.

First of all, my intent is never to demean or disrespect anyone’s loss or gain; and of course I did not “cheer when 911 happened”. I was just as saddened as everyone else. For years my career has been one of promoting peace, love, unity and having fun; such has always been Hiphop’s cultural principles. Secondly, I don’t speak for the African American community exclusively, I speak for HIPHOP! And let me be clear here; most of the Hiphop community is against the war in Iraq! But to insinuate that we (the Hiphop community) actually cheered as the twin towers fell is clearly an attempt by the Daily News to interrupt the positive efforts of our Hiphop community, KRS-ONE’s leadership and the increased momentum of our Hiphop political movement. Thirdly, I don’t think Al Qaeda needs my solidarity nor did I ever offer it. For a major news organization to now align KRS-ONE with Al Qaeda shows the unwarranted contempt that such an organization has for me. Such is grounds for a law suit!

Finally, no one should ever believe anything that the Daily News has to say about the same Hiphop community that they (the Daily News) have tried so desperately to undermine for years. The only thing the Daily News seems to be interested in is scandal and controversy and for years I have challenged the Daily News on its depictions of Rap artists and Hiphop as a whole. I know they don’t like me. However, I don’t give a —- either! They never cover our efforts toward peace and all the charitable work we do within the Hiphop community. They never air our grievances or how we feel about the state of the world, nor have they ever aired our views on America’s invasion of Iraq simply because they just don’t want to hear them. The Hiphop community forces America to look at itself; and no one likes to take b.l.a.m.e. for their own for immaturity Because Looking At Me ain’t Easy!

For the record, I am an American philosopher. I speak and seek truth. If the slander that the Daily News has printed regarding my political views has disrespectfully offended anyone in any way I truly apologize. Again, it was never my or Hiphop’s intent to disregard, disrespect or demean the tragedy of September 11th 2002 and those that died that day. However, we do have a voice and a point of view and if you are not prepared to hear what Hiphop has to say then don’t ask!


I run

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