
November is nationally recognized as Hip-Hop month in the United States.

According to the Universal Zulu Nation, Hip-Hop was born Nov. 12, 1974. The Zulu Nation celebrated Hip-Hop every November. It is now is the world’s largest and most respected Hip-Hop organization. It consists of Hip-Hop’s most famous and legendary artists.

The annual celebration is a time to acknowledge the beauty of Hip-Hop and the founders who rooted and sheltered the tradition of this culture.

Hip-Hop was founded by Hip-Hop legend Afrika Bambaataa. The term Hip-Hop stemmed from Lovebug Starski. Hip-Hop celebrated life and each element formed a cultural movement.

The Hip-Hop culture evolves around energy, dynamics and momentum. It includes breakdancing, up-rocking, popping, emceeing, DJ’ing and writing, also known as Aerosol Art. It became a culture that has a key to uplifting and reformatting.

Although Rap and Hip-Hop are completely different, Rap music was a factor in the creation of Hip-Hop.

Hip-Hop’s purpose is to educate and provide the importance of history and the foundation of the true elements of the Hip-Hop culture.

The true essence of Hip-Hop is remembering the reason and the focus. The reason and focus consist of peace, love, unity, respect, responsibility, overcoming, recreation, education, and faith.

Music fans from all over the world travel to New York City to celebrate the true element and exhilaration of Hip-Hop and its purpose in November. Several events are held all across the United States to celebrate the culture that has been large asset to the music industry.

So if you’re looking for something to do this month, celebrate Hip-Hop. Bring the elements to life.

Some information included in this article was taken from the following Web Site: www.hiphopelements.com

By Music-Slam.com

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