Pop star George Michael said smoking cannabis kept him “sane and happy” and appeared to light up a joint during an interview on Britain’s ITV channel, ITV said on Friday.

The comments have landed the former Wham! frontman in hot water with mental health groups and drug charities concerned about the message Michael’s comments will send to young people.

“All drugs have potential to harm and that is the principal message we need to get across,” William Butler, spokesman for the Addaction drugs charity, told London’s Evening Standard.

A spokeswoman for the 43-year-old singer, who recently embarked on a comeback tour, said he had no comment to make in reaction to the latest controversy.

ITV, which will screen the interview on October 31, said Michael “sparked up” backstage at a gig in Madrid while talking to the channel’s South Bank Show.

“George defends his dope habit, saying it keeps him sane and happy. But he admits it’s not very healthy. He says it can have a ‘terrible, terrible effect’,” ITV said on its Web site.

Michael also denies that his life is out of control, despite a spate of recent run-ins with the law.

He was arrested and cautioned earlier this month after he was found slumped over the wheel of his car in London and in possession of cannabis. In February, Michael was arrested on suspicion of possessing drugs, admitting it had been his “own stupid fault.”

The musician has sold more than 80 million records throughout his career, and kicked off his first tour in 15 years with a concert in Barcelona in September.

Credit: Reuters

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