A band booked to support Blondie has been told they can’t go on beforehand because their lead singer is blonde.

M.A.S.S were booked to open for Blondie at a gig in Amsterdam, but minutes before the show started they were told they couldn’t perform first.

The promoter told them they could only perform after Blondie – whose lead singer Debbie Harry is blonde.

The Daily Mirror says there was a clause in a contract stipulating no groups with a blonde singer could go on before them.

M.A.S.S is fronted by blonde-haired Justine Berry.

The band’s manager Andrew Winters, said: “Maybe she was afraid of the competition. The promoter just said Justine is blonde so we couldn’t go on because there is a ban on blonde girls supporting Debbie Harry.

“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. At first I thought it was a joke, but it wasn’t.”

He said the band played the after show party and added that scheduled UK gigs will not now happen.

A spokesperson for Blondie wouldn’t comment.

Credit: Ananova

By Music-Slam.com

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