Eminem reportedly splashed out �60,000 on make-up during his recent trip to London.

He bought the M-ACTIV beauty products from Saks UK before his gig on HMS Belfast earlier this month.

The Daily Star says the rapper was concerned about the affect of the cold on his skin.

The paper quotes a source as saying: “Its quite funny because no-one thinks of Marshall as the posing, pampering sort.

“When he arrived in London from the MTV awards in Rome, Marshall was really affected by the cold and asked us to find something for his skin.

“He knew the gig on HMS Belfast would be cold and wanted to protect himself. But when he tried M-ACTIV’s stuff, he asked for vanloads from the whole range.

“I think he thinks the brand’s scientific spin makes it a bit more macho.”

Credit: Ananova

By Music-Slam.com

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