Prince Charles declared himself an urban music fan Friday, and rapper Jay-Z said the prince was very cool. The heir to the British throne met Jay-Z at a rehearsal for an urban music festival sponsored by Charles’ youth charity, the Prince’s Trust.
Charles, 55, watched a performance by a group of unemployed young people who have been helped by the trust. They will appear at the festival at London’s Earl’s Court arena Saturday and Sunday, alongside stars including Jay-Z, Beyonce, Alicia Keys and British rappers Dizzee Rascal and The Streets.
“I’m not very familiar with the urban scene, but I do like some of the music,” said Charles, who gave the performers an enthusiastic ovation.
Jay-Z, dressed in a navy-blue suit and striped tie, said Charles was “cool, very cool.”
“For someone so high up to help kids and give them a second chance in life is a beautiful thing,” he added.
Credit: AP