No Doubt isn’t breaking up. “I thought it would be a good publicity stunt to say we were breaking up, but really we’re not,” the group’s lead singer, Gwen Stefani , tells Cosmopolitan magazine for its June issue.

“We decided after our album ‘Rock Steady’ that we were going to take some time apart to pursue independent projects,” she says. “And I really wanted to do a movie.”

That movie is “The Aviator,” the Howard Hughes biography starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Martin Scorsese .

“It’s very small,” the 34-year-old says of her role as Jean Harlow . “I was only shooting for four or five days so I’ll barely be on screen for two minutes, which is so hilarious, because they’re making it sound like I’m the star of the movie.”

Stefani’s new solo CD, which comes out in August, is “going to be a fun ’80s-inspired retro dance album.”

Credit: AP


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