Popular radio host Rush Limbaugh slammed John Kerry on his show yesterday, accusing the democratic presidential candidate of “pathetically pandering” to the hip-hop audience at last week’s MTV Choose or Loose forum.

“Just gag me with a spoon and end this! This is so pathetically pandering. It was a Sister Souljah moment that blew up,” Rush Limbaugh gasped.

Limbaugh played an audio clip from Kerry’s appearance on MTV’s annual Choose or Lose forum in which the expected democratic nominee commented that he is “fascinated by rap and by hip-hop” and believes “there’s a lot of poetry in it.”

“I mean, poetry? Quote some for us, senator,” Limbaugh blasted back.”

Limbaugh, who hadn’t voiced his opinion on Kerry’s comments as he was away for the past few days, then offered his audience a five-minute soliloquy spiked with haterade.

“Can’t you just see old J. F. Kerry and Teresa Heinz riding around in the Range Rover at one of their mansions with hip-hop playing? You really think Eminem is in their CD player right now?” he asked with disdain. “I mean, it’s one thing to say you like it, but to try to pass this off as something that you’ve intellectually examined and have assigned value to?”

Limbaugh also questioned Kerry’s street credibility, challenging the senator to “name a hip-hop song” and define some rap terminology.

“Kerry couldn’t even name a hip-hop song. He could probably name a rapper or two, and that’s it. I wish he’d been asked to share some rap terminology,” said Rush.

Meanwhile, Limbaugh offered a taste from his own peculiar rap dictionary, name-dropping the obvious Too Live Crew and the porn slang term “fisting.”

We need to understand rap folks,” he said sarcastically to his audience mocking Kerry’s words. “There’s a lot of anger in this, social energy in it… and we need to listen to it carefully because it’s important,” Limbaugh chuckled

Credit: SOHH.com

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